You ever overhear something and you’re not quite sure what it means? So you go home and Google it, only to find out it’s some totally bizarre thing? As a writer, this happens to me all the time.
Often times I forget that I’m writing fiction. I guess, as an engineer, it’s easy for me to get too steeped in fact, which ends up leading to more research on topics than I probably need. Some of these things are a little strange for a 30-something male to be Googling, others just turn out to be pretty neat, and for some reason a lot of them occurred while writing In Her Eyes.
Companion planting
You may recall Casey noticing several small pumpkins growing between the stalks of corn in the field where Ben ran. Well, that’s called companion planting.
According to Mary’s Seeds, “A classic example is to grow climbing beans up corn while inter-planting pumpkins. The corn provides a natural trellis for the beans, pumpkins smother the weeds and helps corn roots retain moisture.”
Lip gloss colors
Yes, I Googled lip gloss colors…
I couldn’t help it. After receiving a note from my editor about what a girl does before going out, I had to. And guess what? There’s like a quadrillion colors.
I still can’t wrap my mind around how many shades of red there are, but I’m pretty sure most of them are made up.
Chiffon and peplum
For some reason those words sounded pretty scientific to me. Like maybe they were latin for something.
They’re not.
They’re the fabric style and design style of a girl’s top (or shirt). I can’t recall what I ended up choosing, but I’m pretty sure Casey wore a white chiffon peplum top the night she met Ben at 8 Seconds.
Here’s what one might look like:
Equine therapy
I’ve since discovered that this is rather popular, but I had no idea that equine therapy was for humans…not horses.
Honestly, it does kind of make sense. Horses are awesome. I just didn’t know anything about it until I read this.
There’s more to come
As I get deeper into Faith In Every Footstep I’ve been learning some pretty amazing things about sled dogs, and dogs in general. Facts that I’m sure are probably a little more interesting than the four above. So, stick around because I’ll be sharing those soon!
For now, let me know if you’ve ever had to Google something a little weird before.
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