Several years ago I was standing in my dad’s office when I spotted a picture of me on his desk. I was about 4 years old hanging from a dome-shaped jungle gym. Normally I would have just enjoyed the photo, but coincidentally I was competing in a rock climbing competition just the weekend prior. It got me thinking…what would it my life look like from a “Now” and “Then” perspective? Let’s find out.

Below I’ll try my best to pair and label photos that are similar from my childhood to adulthood. Some will be more recent, some a bit older, we’ll see how it goes.
Has my swing changed?
Do I still field the same way?
Has my throwing changed?
Always loved climbing
Still riding bikes
I’ve always been a writer
Family is still important
I have the best little sister
It’s kind of funny how we’re still wearing the same colors (mostly).
Have you ever gone through your old photos?
I recently digitized all my old photos and it’s been a blast going through them (still not quite finished). I’ll try to add any more I come across.
Let me know which ones are your favorites, or if they remind you of any of your childhood memories!
Wesley, my name is Dave Wright & I worked under your dad at Miller Elem. we have been praying for your dad at our church at my request at Faith UMC in Bradenton. God bless your family.
Thank you Dave.
Just learned of your father’s passing. I was the one who ran the gym at the church where you and your friends played basketball so many years ago and that prompted me to get in touch with my old coach. So sorry to hear of this but we all know where your father is now. Thank you all for sharing this wonderful soul with us. He will be missed. Gods blessings to you all from this former PHS baseballer.
Thank you so much Kent.