I don’t know about you, but I’ve been kind of slow to acquiesce to the future that is social apps. About 4 months ago I traded in my iPhone 5 for my wife’s Samsung Galaxy S5, so she could get an iPhone 6. (Note: Android destroys Apple in nearly every way, but that’s a talk for another time)
I’ve always been a PC guy, and I think that’s essentially what pushed me over the edge into the world of apps.
So, without further ado, here’s 12 places you can now find me.
Fitness & Adventure
These are by far the best 3 places to find me.
I’ve walked over 1,600 miles since March 2014!
I absolutely love my FitBit Charge HR. I’m probably more active on FitBit than any other app. I usually run some type of challenge group every week or every other week. You can add me 1 of 2 ways (I think):
- On my FitBit profile: https://www.fitbit.com/user/2DXTK9
- Via email (wesley [at] wesleybanksauthor [dot] com)
MyFitnessPal (MFP)
I use MFP every single day. Like I said before, I’m obsessed with tracking.
My profile: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/WesleyBanks23 (Note: don’t laugh at the picture of me in goggles, all the cool kids are wearing goggles…)
I just recently found this site, so I don’t have a lot of my “adventures” uploaded yet. However, this is probably my new favorite site. There’s just so many cool trips to explore and find.
My profile: https://www.theoutbound.com/wesley-banks
Movies & Video
Have I ever said that I love movies? Because I love movies. Seriously. It’s normal that I’ve seen 90% of every movie at Regal at any given time.
My profile: http://www.imdb.com/user/ur54871851/?ref_=nv_usr_prof_2
I’ve posted a couple videos on my blog lately and I’m hoping to make this a more common theme. I use Vimeo as opposed to YouTube for my video creation, mainly because their user interface is so much cleaner.
My profile: https://vimeo.com/wesleybanks
Writing & Books
If you love books, you need to be on Goodreads. I’m really disappointed that I didn’t know much about Goodreads until the last year or so.
My profile: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/13825271.Wesley_Banks
I probably shouldn’t even put WattPad on this list yet, because I haven’t actually used it. If you haven’t heard of it though, definitely check it out, especially if you’re a reader or writer. In 2006 they had something like 17,000 free stories on there, and now they have over 100 million read to date. That’s insane.
My profile: https://www.wattpad.com/user/WesleyBanks
If you read a lot, and you’re looking for a new author or just a really good book deal, then definitely check out BookBub.
My profile: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/wesley-banks
Social Media
Last, and least (see what I did there?) we have traditional social media. I guess they’re not really traditional yet, since most of them are less than a decade old, but you know what I mean.
I use Facebook and Instagram almost daily, the others I’m a little more sparse on. I will say though, I love Pinterest for finding a little bit of inspiration for specific writing scenes, etc.
My profile: https://www.facebook.com/wesleybanksauthor
I’m all about food, my dog(s) and the great outdoors! Oh, and writing 🙂
My profile: https://instagram.com/wesleybanksauthor/
My profile: https://www.pinterest.com/wbauthor/
My profile: wbauthor
My profile: https://twitter.com/wbauthor
What am I missing?
Any other cool places or apps I’m missing out on? If so, drop me a line down below in the comments.
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