As someone who spends a lot of time writing about a fictional dog breed, I tend to also spend a lot of time reading about animals in general. Over the years I’ve collected some of my favorite stories in a note on Evernote, and today I want to share them with you.
You may have heard of some of these stories as they’ve been turned into movies and/or books, while I’m hopefully interesting you to others for the first time.
Either way, enjoy! And let me know which was your favorite in the comments below.
Spoiler Alert: As I already mentioned some of the stories below are books and/or movies, and I do reveal some key components.
#1 Dindim the Pengquin
The first time I ever saw a penguin in the wild was in at Boulders Beach in South Africa, of all places.
I grew up thinking penguins were only in the south pole, and obviously that just isn’t true. So, when I first heard about Dindim the Penguin I wasn’t quote as shocked as I possibly could have been.
According to Bored Panda (where I first saw this video):
#2 A Lion Called Christian
Imagine raising a lion in downtown London, having to re-introduce him to the wilds of Africa after he grows too big to control, and then visiting him (and his pride) several years later. What do you think would happen?
If you loved that video, then make sure you read the book. The full story is a quick read, but it’s absolutely amazing.
#3 Hachi
I still haven’t read the book, because I’m not sure if I can handle it after seeing the movie. Hachi (short for Hachiko) is quite simply the epitome of the idiom “man’s best friend.”
Even though I warned about spoilers above, I don’t want to give too much away because this story has the capacity to change you.
Check out the trailer, and then go watch the movie. You may cry, but you won’t regret it.
#4 Land of the Strays
If you ever wanted to walk among and with over 900 rescued dogs, then make your way down to Costa Rica to a placed called Territorio de Zaguates, or “Land of the Strays.”
It’s a no kill shelter, and all of the dogs are up for adoption. I definitely want to visit some day. You can read more about them and the dogs they rescue at their Facebook page.
#5 Milanese Dog Rides Bus to Park
Cacao, a mixed breed dog in Milan, Italy, does something that you probably don’t. He takes the bus to the park…alone.
Since around 2008, Cacao leaves his master’s home every morning and waits for Bus 54. Why Bus 54? Because it’s the only bus driver that’s willing to bend the rules so Cacao can enjoy his daily adventure.
Since reading this story, I also learned about a dog in Seattle that does the exact same thing!
#6 The most badass person alive?
Unfortunately I know very little about this story. A couple years ago a video surfaced of this (Russian) man saving a dog, by crushing through the top layer of ice on a frozen lake…with his bare hands.
I may be stealing this scene for a story in the future.
#7 His best friend is a…crocodile
I honestly thought this was a joke when someone sent me the video link, but after watching Chito (the man) swim and train Pocho (the crocodile), I am absolutely blown away.
After rescuing Pocho from a bullet wound that brought him to the bring of death, Chito nursed him back to health and trained him how to survive and live alongside him. Watch the video below, you won’t regret it.
Well that’s it. That’s my collection. If you want to read some more you can check out this site.
Also, if you know of any other stories, I’d love to hear about them. Leave a comment and let me know!
I love Hachi! That movie is amazing!