I don’t know about you, but I’ve been kind of slow to acquiesce to the future that is social apps. About 4 months ago I traded in my iPhone 5 for my wife’s Samsung Galaxy S5, so she could get [Read More]
The Martian: An Engineer’s Book Review (And 21 Awesome Quotes)
For about the past year I’ve been hearing about this book. It’s supposed to be like Robinson Crusoe in space. It’s about a mechanical engineer, who is also a botanist that gets stranded on Mars. Maybe you’ve heard of it? It’s [Read More]
Exploring America (With A Dog Named Story)
Update: Check out my Pinterest Board: “Exploring America With My Dog” for updates! If there’s something I love more than writing, it’s exploring the world with my best friend. My goal is to eventually have an adventure with her in [Read More]
25 Things About Wesley That You Probably Didn’t Know
I’ve done several interviews lately and I thought it would be fun to answer some questions that no one has really asked yet. So, here are 25 things you probably didn’t know about me. 1. I used to have long [Read More]
My Writing Setup (Video Inside!)
Instead of a typical blog post, I figured today we could do something a little different. A few people have asked what my writing setup is like, so I thought I’d show you. I apologize if the camera is a [Read More]
How Long Does it Take to Write a Novel? (It Took Me 695 Days!)
Have you ever wondered how long it takes to write a novel? Not just the writing though, but the entire process. The concept, the writing, the editing, the re-writing, the cover design, the publishing, the marketing, and on, and on, [Read More]
Want to Meet All 32 Dogs From Hope In Every Raindrop?
***Spoiler Alert*** Make sure you’ve read Faith In Every Footstep and/or Hope In Every Raindrop before you go any farther! The history of the Carolina Gray. Before we get to the dogs, I want to first discuss the breed. The [Read More]
Hope In Every Raindrop Full Cover Reveal
Hope In Every Raindrop is just 4 weeks away from release! And so, I figured now would be a good to show you the full cover. But first, let’s take a look at the covers you may have already seen [Read More]
The Rarest Dog Breed in America (Part 3)
*This is part 3 of a 3 part series about how I discovered the rarest dog breed in America, which later led to my first novel, “Hope In Every Raindrop.” Dr. Anderson opened the steel framed gate and we stepped [Read More]
The Rarest Dog Breed In America (Part 2)
*This is part 2 of a 3 part series about how I discovered the rarest dog breed in America, which later led to my first novel series. What the heck is a Carolina Dog? It sounded like someone got lazy [Read More]