Miyamoto Musashi is considered one of the greatest samurais to every live. Seven days before his death he wrote two books: Dokkōdō and The Book of Five Rings. Each is more than the summary of his life as Kensei, but [Read More]
Make Your Bed or Lead the World Towards Hell
The following post was not written by me. It was written (actually spoken) by Jordan B. Peterson, a clinical psychologist and author of 12 Rules for Life, via the Ben Shapiro podcast. You might as well start with what’s right [Read More]
The Faith In Every Footstep Audiobook is Here!
It took a lot longer than expected, but the Faith In Every Footstep audiobook is finally here! First things first, go pick it up on Amazon here: http://amzn.to/2jbVnTe Listen to Chapter 1 Below If you’re new to audiobooks, you can [Read More]
The Awareness of Death
The following post was not written by me. It was written (actually spoken) by Sam Harris, one of my favorite thinkers, and delivered via his podcast. The advice within it is simple but beautiful. It immediately struck a chord within [Read More]
How Eating Cereal Every Night Can Ruin Your Life (and the Concept of Intended Purpose)
It’s 12:33 AM and I’m huddled over my desk with with a bowl of Raisin Bran Crunch and Season 1, Episode 4 of Newsroom (my all-time favorite television show, which I’ve watched 4 times now) playing in the background. I [Read More]
The Great Reconciliation (and a Quick Thought Experiment)
There are two main components to life: the physical and the metaphysical. The physical consists of the clothes you (hopefully) have on right now, or the computer or smartphone you’re reading this on. While the metaphysical is made up of [Read More]
I’m Scared to Do What I Have to Do
I don’t want to write this post. Partly because the words aren’t coming to me right now, and partly because this is likely the first step in doing something I’m not sure I can do. I’ve prayed about it, I’ve [Read More]
MIA: 14 Days Traveling China and Thailand
I talked about it a little bit on Facebook, and posted a few pictures on Instagram, but for the most part I’ve been MIA for the past few weeks. The video above is a recap of pretty much the entire [Read More]
Second Edition: Hope In Every Raindrop
After I published Hope In Every Raindrop I thought I was done with the story of Kyle Walker, King, and Katie. Then I got a significant amount of emails requesting more from the world of Hope. At that point I [Read More]
My 7 Favorite Quotes from Faith In Every Footstep
I’ve mentioned this before, but I absolutely love quotes. My mom gave me The Book of Positive Quotations to use when writing essays for college scholarship applications. It started as a chore, but ended up being one of the best [Read More]